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Together we will win!

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We at OurMishpacha aim to bring American and Israeli families closer together than ever before. Through our professionally-designed roadmap and content, both participants will have the opportunity to treat each other like their own family. Neither family is “the beneficiary” at the other’s expense. Both will hopefully gain a lot from this relationship!

This is actually not an adoption program. American families are being paired with Israeli families, not doing the Israeli families a “chesed”. Both families will gain a tremendous amount from this mutual relationship.

Absolutely! For every donation that’s made through our Causematch page, we pledge a massive portion of those funds to helping Israeli families with members in reserve or currently displaced.

Israeli families can receive a stipend of up to 1000 shekels from a fund containing the pooled American contributions. This stipend is our way of giving a “hug” to Israeli families going through very challenging circumstances, showing them that their Jewish brethren from around the world care deeply about them. Additionally, as vetted by our Israeli counselors and coordinators, specific families that demonstrate additional need will receive further funding.



Our experts don’t recommend it. It is unlikely to build a authentic relationship when there is a financial dependency involved.

To arrange for additional need-based funding for your Israeli family, please speak to your coordinator, who will arrange for your donation to Yad Eliezer, who will in turn direct funding to your Israeli family if they demonstrate specific need.

Absolutely! Sending a gift for a special occasion is encouraged to nurture any relationship. We have a selection of third-party sellers that can bring joy to your family in Israel. If you want to send a gift to your family, see the OurMatanot page.

Please note that these are third-party sellers. We are not affiliated with them.

Due to the war, we have started with reservist or displaced families. Additionally, our staff ensures that they are not families that have experienced severe traumas of the war. While we care deeply about such families, the assistance that they need must be provided by professional trauma experts.

The only commitment we ask is for the sincere desire to unite the Jewish People. We provide all of the framework to build a relationship over time, to make the experience as seamless and fun as possible. Connecting with another Jewish family across he world has never been easier.


Hebrew fluency is not necessary. We pair up families according to their language level. So make sure to answer accordingly, and don’t forget that language is only one element of your future familyship.

That is what your coordinators are here for. They have been trained to assist you, and will be happy to do so! In addition, please email us with any questions at

Families that choose to support our mission of unity also can have the opportunity of sending a “hug” of sorts to Israeli families in these trying times.

We’re working with an Israeli organization called Be’ezri/ Yad Eliezer to allocate the funds properly. Israeli families can opt in or out of receiving these funds, so the money will always go to those who need it.

You can leave the program at any time.No good relationship is forced.

We would love to hear more about your experience and why it wasn’t a good fit. Message us using the form above or email us at

Dear families,
You are not alone!

We invite you to join the program and connect to a new, loving and supportive family that will be happy to meet you and connect!

משפחה למשפחה




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הרשמתך התקבלה בהצלחה

בעקבות הפניות הרבות, זמן המענה של הצוות עלול להיארך. נודה לכם על הסבלנות.

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